16 ft Open Water Cruising Skiff "Bob", Design #115
This lovely double-ended skiff is a new design representing our current thinking on the perfect beach cruiser. A descendant of the Flashboat design, it is double-ended, with firmer bilges, and water-tight compartments fore and aft. The rear thwart can be placed aft, for two rowers, or in the middle position, for a single rower. It is fast under oars with good tracking ability and nice momentum. Although it is heavier than the Flashboats, it is light enough to haul out and load on the truck rack. To make use of favorable winds it is fitted with a simple lugsail of generous area, and is steered with rudder and yoke lines. Plans show strip planked construction, glassed inside and out. It could also be built lapstrake or cold molded.
Photos of this boat can be found here.
Construction: strip planked
Length: 15 ft 11 3/4 in
Beam: 4 ft 7 in
Depth amidships: 1 ft 4.5 in
Weight: 135 lbs
Sailing rig: Dipping lugsail
Sail area: 54 sq. ft.
Building time: 390 hours
Skill level: Intermediate
Design #115: 5 Sheets