15ft Light Skiff, Design #268
This light performance rowboat is a derivative of the 15ft Flashboat plan #38, an old and much loved skiff that was first built back in the 1980s. Boats built to that plan have proved close to ideal for wilderness beach travel, they are light, cheap to build light enough to carry on a roof rack and the deep V hull shape make them wonderful open water boats. The best trim for this double ended version will be obtained with a single rower and the weight of camping gear, but it can also be set up for two rowers using the moveable thwart arrangement. A simple downwind rig of modest area allows the boat to be sailed whenever the wind is favorable.
Construction: tortured plywood on laminated frames
Length: 15 ft 0 in
Beam: 4 ft 10 in
Depth amidships: 1 ft 5 in
Weight: 90 lbs
Sailing rig: dipping lugsail
Sail area: 42 sq .ft.
Building time: 200 hours
Skill level: intermediate
Design #38: 5 Sheets